MS Resources
Use the Resources You Have to Gain the Life You Want
At The Boster Center for Multiple Sclerosis, we encourage our patients to use the resources they have to gain the quality of life they want. This is why we’ve partnered with a host of organizations to offer information and resources to those living with multiple sclerosis.
You’re Not Alone With Your MS
You can join an MS forum that connects thousands of members worldwide to staying abreast of work being done by a foundation that addresses the needs of people with multiple sclerosis and their families. We encourage you to do more, share more, and learn more about how you can improve your life and the lives of others with multiple sclerosis.
Overcoming MS
The UK’s leading charity, advocating lifestyle changes to help people live well with MS.
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America
A leading resource for the MS community, improving lives through vital services and support.
MS Views & News
Providing education and information to the multiple sclerosis community.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
United in our collective power to do something about MS now and end this disease forever.
Shift MS
Our MS forum has thousands of members worldwide. It’s independent, and it’s free.
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
A non-profit that addresses the critical needs of people with MS and their families.
The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers
To be the preeminent organization of MS health care professionals who treat MS.
iConquer MS™
As someone living with MS, your active participation is the key to the success of iConquerMS™.
Siegel Rare Neuroimmune Association
A not-for-profit that is dedicated to supporting a spectrum of rare neuroimmune disorders.